‘Letting out blood’ allowed in all Fiqh & Sects

،اَلسَّلامُ عَلَى الشَّيْبِ الْخَضيبِ
،اَلسَّلامُ عَلَى الْخَدِّ التَّريبِ
،اَلسَّلامُ عَلَى الْبَدَنِ السَّليبِ

Salutations upon the gray hair that was dyed (with blood).
Salutations upon the cheek that struck the dust.
Salutations upon the butchered body.

– Ziarat e Nahiya.

It was explained in part 1 that Hussaini signs (الشعائر الحسينية) need to be established and respected. These Hussaini signs includes Matam. There are various ways of doing Matam which for the sake of our understanding we categorize into 2: Matam where there is no blood and Matam where blood comes out like Qama Zani (Tatbir).

Matam is allowed according to all Shia Mujtahideen, Allah Ta’ala protect them all. It does not require much clarification.

….فَلَمّا رَأيْنَ النِّساءُ جَوادَكَ مَخْزِيّاً

When the women saw your horse distraught,…..

…. ،بَرَزْنَ مِنَ الْخُدُورِ
they came from the tents,….

،عَلَى الْخُدُودِ لاطِماتِ الْوُجُوهِ سافِراتٍ
،وَ بِالْعَويلِ داعِياتٍ

Doing Matam on their now unveiled cheeks,
calling you by lamenting and wailing,

But perhaps some explanation is required specifically regarding Tatbir where blood comes out of the body. This explanation is required not because it is a difficult matter to understand. We have inherited these Tatbir Hussaini Signs from 100s of millions of momineen including 100s of thousands of Mujtahideen & Ulama. Such mutawatir concepts are not doubtful. These form parts of our Aqeeda.
But because some innovators of religion have come up with lies upon lies, deliberate attempts to confuse momineen, illiterates being vocal in establishing their thoughts against the mutawatir, accepted practice of Tatbir compels us to deal this matter in greater detail.


،اَلسَّلامُ عَلَى الْمُغَسَّلِ بِدَمِ الْجِراحِ
Salutations upon the one who was bathed in the blood of his wounds.

Undoubtedly, tatbir is a Hussaini sign that reminds us of Imam Hussain alayhessalam and his family and their great sacrifice of Karbala. Firstly, since the difference between other Matam and Tatbir is ‘letting out of blood’ hence we explain it being entirely halaal according to Shariat.

Letting out of blood:

فَلَأَ نْدُبَنَّكَ صَباحاً وَ مَساءً وَ لَأَبْكِيَنَّ لَكَ بَدَلَ الدُّمُوعِ دَما

I will, therefore, lament you morning and evening, and will weep blood in place of tears
(المزار: 501 الباب 18)
Imam e Zamana Alayhessalam in Ziarat e Nahiya Muqaddassa above says that he lets out blood from his eyes in remembrance of Imam Hussain Alayhessalam.

While reading Ziarat E Nahiya, we are also committing to Imam Hussain alayhessalam that we will let out blood from our eyes in his remembrance. But when the actual time comes to let out blood then Allah Ta’ala protect us from Jahil thoughts that letting out blood in remembrance of Imam Hussain alayhessalam is Haraam!! Obviously , the truth is that letting out blood is Halaal.

‘Letting out blood’ is halaal according to ALL mujtahideen and also according to both the Shia & Sunni. Any Muslim who has doubt that letting out blood is Halaal or not should get his circumcision (Khatna) checked or ask his mom whether body cut & blood came out in his circumcision or not!

It is ridiculous to even think that ‘letting out blood’ can be Haraam in Islam! Even these people who stop momineen from Tatbir give alternate as: donate blood. Even in donation of blood, we let out blood! Then why this option? Because letting out blood is allowed even according to them.
These very people also do not stop at using blades and let out blood in non-essential cosmetic surgeries, etc. Even in countries where Tatbir is banned, they have not banned removing blood through blades like in Hijamat which is a common practice in Muslim countries.

AhleSunnat reference:
Ibn ‘Umar reported that the Messenger [peace be upon him and his pure family] used to cup his head and would call the place at the top of the head “Umm Mugheeth.” [al-Mu’jam al-Awsat, by al-Tabarani, vol. 8, p. 16).

Both the Shia & AhleSunnat accept Hijamat (cutting body and letting out of blood) even when there is no medical requirement. Hijamat can be done even when we just want to feel fresh or even without ANY need whatsoever like I just want to experience it. When cutting the body and removing blood is Mubah like walking on the road, talking to people then is there ANY Muslim Mujtahid or Alim or common man who can even think of it being Haraam? No ways.

This shows that stopping from tatbir is not because of removing of blood in it but due to the remembrance of Imam Hussain alayhessalam associated with it which is not necessarily associated with circumcision, Hijamat, surgeries, etc.

Pls note that we are NOT saying anything against the Mujtahideen, Allah protect them. In fact, all Mujtahideen have allowed ‘letting out of blood’. It is the ignorant ones that create such concepts that letting out of blood is Haraam where it is actually Halaal. We are speaking against those Jahil and also against the dishonest liars who are assigning falsehood to our respected Mujtahideen, Allah protect them.

IA in next part/s we will show that Mujtahideen like Ayt. Sistani, Ayt. Basheer Najafi, Ayt. Waheed, others, Allah protect them all are misquoted by editing their fatwas or changing the meanings and circulating the changed images to give bad name to our Mujtahideen and to stop Tatbir which is a Hussaini sign.

Pls forward this message for the sake of Ishq e Hussain alayhessalam.

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