19 Proofs x 10 ref. = 190 evidences of Tatbir from Holy Nass

We give here ’19 Proofs of Tatbir in Holy Nas’ which have many references available. This means even if we take minimum of 10 references for each of the proofs means a total 190 evidences of encouraging Tatbir from the Holy Nas.

Proof 1:

فالتفتت زينب فرأت رأس أخيها فنطحت جبينها بمقدم المحمل، حتى رأينا الدم يخرج من تحت قناعها

Zainab (sa) turned and saw the head of her brother, then hit her forehead on the front part of the Mahmil, until we saw blood coming out from under her veil.


بحار الأنوار 45: 115، الفردوس الأعلى: 19 – 22، المجالس الفاخرة: 298.

فحكم عليها بالاعتبار.
Allama Majlisi A.R. has accepted this Hadees as reliable.

Further references where our Ulama have relied and quoted above:

فإن هناك من حكم عليها بالصحة كالعلامة شيخ الشريعة الأصفهاني. كما قد رُويت هذه الرواية في مصادر أخرى كمنتخب الطريحي ج2 ص478 وجلاء العيون للسيد عبد الله شبر ج2 ص238 وعوالم الإمام الحسين (عليه السلام) للشيخ عبد الله البحراني ص373. واعتماد أعاظم الفقهاء على هذه الرواية قديما وحديثا يطمئن النفس إلى صحتها، فقد اعتمد عليها الشيخ محمد حسين كاشف الغطاء في كتابه الفردوس الأعلى وأفتى بها

Note: This is Sunnat as action in front of Imam Sajjad Alayhessalam.

This action of Janabe Zainab Salamullah Alayha is quoted by Aqaed.com office of Ayt. Sistani d.z. for more than 15 times at different places as proof for Tatbir.
More than 5 renowned Maraje have quoted this in their actual Fatwa on Tatbir. These Fatawa also Quoted on Aqaed.com


قال الراوي : لما سمع علي بن الحسين سقوط الرأس في حجر الجارية الحسناء ، قام على طوله ونطح جدار البيت بوجهه ، فكسر أنفه وشج رأسه وسال دمه على صدره ، وخر مغشياً عليه من شدة الحزن والبكاء

The Narrator said, When Ali bin al-Husain (as) heard that Imam Husain’s head fell in the lap of the Holy lady, He (as) stood up full length and thrust the wall of the house with his face, as a result breaking his nose and split opening his head and blood flowing onto his chest. And He fell unconscious from the severity of sadness and crying.


[Source: Daar al-Salam – Muhaddis Mirza Husain Noori Tabarisi (writer of Mustadrak al-Wasail), Vol. 2, Pg. 196-202]


ففي رواية رواها المجلسي في البحار وفي جلاء العيون:

(أن الإمام زين العابدين إذا أخذ إناءً ليشرب يبكي حتي يملأه دماً)

Thus in Riwayat narrated by AlMajlisi in Bihaar and in Jalaa AlUyoon:

That when Imam Zainul Abideen (alayhessalam) picked up a cup to drink, then he cried to such an extent that his cup filled with blood.

بحار الأنوار: ج 45 ص 115 ح 1 ب 39.

It is too painful for all momineen.

This text (blood) is correct & found in original handwriting according to (نصرة المظلوم لآية الله الشيخ حسن المظفر ص10)

This is also mentioned by Aqaed.com Ayt. Sistani d.z. office website in a book published there:


Note: Ayt. Waheed d.z. in one of his lectures clarified our Shia belief that “Imam Alayhessalam does not do anything without Ikhtiar (free will)”.
Hence, saying such an individual action of Imam Alayhessalam was not in his control and hence his eyes were bleeding tears whereas, Allah forbid, it was correct for him not to bleed – this faith is not from Shiasm.
I will also send that lecture video soon IA.


ذكر الأئمّة (عليهم السلام): ” إنّ يوم الحسين (عليه السلام) أقرح جفوننا، وأسبل عيوننا …

Imams (Alayhemussalam) saying: “Indeed the day of Hussain (Alayhessalam) has injured our eyelids and made our eyes flow….

الأمالي للشيخ الصدوق : 190

Office of Ayt. Sistani d.z. on Aqaed:

This sentence means that it is a regular affair and not done once.

Not one Imam Alayhessalam but all of them have done this as it says twice ‘our’ )نا( and not ‘my’.

Refer discussion of Ayt. Waheed d.z. as mentioned in proof 3. Ayatullah has in fact quoted this same Holy Hadees mentioned here which gives credibility to its authenticity and also he says that it was out of free will, meaning Imams Alayhemussalam made themselves bleed through injury out of free will and not by mistake.
Video to follow soon IA.


فَلَأَنْدُبَنَّكَ صَباحاً وَ مَساءً وَ لَأَبْكِيَنَّ لَكَ بَدَلَ الدُّمُوعِ دَماً

I will, therefore, lament you morning and evening, and will indeed – yes indeed – weep blood in place of tears

Ziarat e Nahiya المزار: 501 الباب (18

1. Imam e Zamana Alayhessalam in Ziarat e Nahiya Muqaddassa above says that he lets out blood from his eyes for Imam Hussain Alayhessalam. If Sunnat of Imam e Zamana is not acceptable to us or we think that it is outdated! then whose Sunnat will be acceptable to Shias?

2. Somebody asked to prove that Masoomeen Alayhemussalam blood let every year. While this is a proof of repeating blood letting by Imam Alayhessalam every day multiple times day-in and day-out.

3. There is 3 emphasis in the single word – لَأَبْكِيَنَّ. I will surely, yes surely, yes surely weep blood. But could not be translated exactly as such a phrase with such emphasis is not possible in English.

4. Check remarks of Ayt. Waheed d.z. above as relevant to this. Imams Alayhemussalam does these acts out of own free will and not by mistake/ error.

5. Eyes is more sensitive part of a body than the head. Hence, Imams Alayhemussalam bleeding through eyes with free will is more of a proof to let out blood for Imam Hussain Alayhessalam.

6. This Ziarat is recited by Imam Alayhessalam and taught to us so that we repeat. When we repeat with good intentions then it means that we are also committing to Imam Hussain alayhessalam that we will let out blood for him. But when the actual time comes to let out blood then Allah Ta’ala protect us from such thoughts that letting out blood for Imam Hussain alayhessalam is Haraam!! Obviously , this explicit Sunnat shows that letting out blood is Halaal every day multiple times.

Video clip of Ayt. Waheed Khurasani d.z. regarding what is mentioned by me in proofs. 👇


لاطِماتِ الْوُجُوهِ سافِرات،
وَ بِالْعَویلِ داعِیات،

Striking their now unveiled cheeks
Calling you by lamenting and wailing.

Ref. Ziarat e Nahiya Muqaddasah

This is considered mutawatir as so many such instances reported in Holy Ahadees where the ladies of Janabe Zahra Salamullah Alayha family kept striking their cheeks with hands. It is well known that this means injuring the face with blood. Also, when one Holy Hadees mentions one issue and the extent of it is not covered in some other evidence then the extent extends to the maximum understood by the Nass.
Hence, here the hitting oneself even if with blood is proved through mutawatir concept.

Mutawatir is much above even a Holy saheeh Hadees.

These actions were always done in front of Imam Alayhessalam where he accepted and hence these form part of Sunnat.

Also, Imam e Zamana Arwahona Fidah remembers the holy ladies with these words hence approval of Imam e Zamana Alayhessalam also proved in it.


وَ لَطَمْنَ الْخُدُودَ الْفَاطِمِيَّاتُ عَلَى الْحُسَيْنِ بْنِ عَلِيٍّ ع وَ عَلَى مِثْلِهِ تُلْطَمُ الْخُدُودُ وَ تُشَقُّ الْجُيُوب

“The family of Fatima (peace be upon her) struck their cheeks for Hussain son of Ali (peace be upon them), upon the likes of Hussain (as), cheeks must [certainly] be struck and collars must be torn” 😭

[Ref.: Al-Tahthib, Vol. 8, Pg. 325]

Here in this Holy Hadees it is said that for Imam Hussain Alayhessalam this act must be done. Action & order both present.

As explained in detail earlier, this includes bleeding.
[5:39 PM, 9/21/2017] Zulfiqar Bhai Johr Town: We also hereby give proofs below of blood letting allowed in Islam even without the remembrance of Imam Hussain Alayhessalam.

This is a basic right given to a person over himself in all Islamic Fiqh to cut himself. There are numerous evidences in Sunnat accepted by both the Shia & Sunni on this. There is Ijma of all Shias and Sunnis.

He cannot kill or cause irreparable loss to himself in Islam. Otherwise making oneself bleed clearly present in Sunnat according to Ijma of both Shia and Sunni.


3. كان – يعني رسول الله – يقوم على أصابع رجليه
حتى تورم.

RasoolAllah (Sallallaho alayhe Wa aalehi Wa sallam) used to do Qayaam on fingers of his feet to such an extent that he used to get blisters.

[تفسير علي بن إبراهيم 2/58]

Similar meaning Hadees also in Bihar 17,257; الخرائج 2/917. م



إذا أسلم الرجل اختتن،

Whenever a person becomes a Muslim then he should do circumcision (Khatna),

[الكافي 6/37]

All Muslims accept this hence no need to prove this further.

If bleeding oneself Haraam then how Islam asks us to lay our actions on Haraam.


لا خلاف في استحباب ثقب أذني الغلام. وفي الجواهر [31/263] الإجماع بقسميه عليه، مضافاً إلى السيرة. والنصوص الكثيرة

Summary: Piercing of ears of a child being Mustahab is undisputed to the extent of Ijma, in addition to seerat and extensive Nass.

الجواهر [31/263

It is known that piercing of ears means injuring oneself and bleeding.
If it is Haraam to injure oneself or make oneself bleed then how come this action is Mustahab based on a supposedly Haraam?


Imam Sajjad alayhessalam used to extensively exert himself in Ibadat that his color used to change to Yellow & eyes fluidic, and forehead injured, and nose slit due to excessive prostration, boils/ swelling of ankles & legs due to excessive standing in prayers.

المناقب [4/155]
[والمفيد في الإرشاد [صفحة255


Imam HASSAN alayhessalam says: there was no one in the world more in Ibadat than Fatema (alayha salaam). She used to stand to the extent that the feet used to get blisters.

(بحار الأنوار 43/82.)


Aimma (alayhemussalam) did many Haj on feet to the extent that their feet got blisters whereas they had the facility available to ride (سيماء الصلحاء/ 80).


Like Imam Sajjad’s Alayhessalam Haj on feet despite his illness and weak body 105 (في رواية المفيد وابن شهر آشوب [مناقب آل أبي طالب] أنه سار في عشرين يوماً من المدينة إلى مكة.)


and Haj of Imam Hassan (Alayhessalam) walking 25 times (بحار الأنوار 43/399.)


Similarly Imam Hussain (Alayhessalam) in riwayat (بحار الأنوار 44/ 192)

It has also reached us from them regarding enthusiasm to go for Ziarat of Imam Hussain (alayhessalam) walking even if with lots of difficulties.

Everyone knows that walking such long distances involves blisters which means bleeding.

قال السيد أبو القاسم الخوئي في مصباح الأصول (ج 2 ص 551) أنه يجوز للإنسان أن يضر نفسه (ما عدا القتل وقطع الأعضاء) إذ لا دليل علي حرمته.

Syed Abul Qasim AlKhoi states in Misbahul Usool (Vol. 2, Pg. 551) that it is allowed for a person to cause harm to oneself (except for killing or cutting away of an entire part of body) as there is no evidence of its hurmat.

حرمة الضرر في النفس هو ثلاثة فقط هي:
1- قتل النفس فهو حرام.
2- قطع عضو من أعضاء البدن.
3- إسقاط قوة من قوي النفس أو البدن.

Hurmat of Zarar to oneself are limited to 3:
1. Killing of a person as it is Haraam.
2. Cutting of an entire part of body (like the limbs)
3. Destroying ones abilities (like eyesight).

Ayt. Khoei r.a. says that there is no evidence of hurmat of hurting oneself in Quran, Sunnat, Aql, Ijma.

He is an Aalam who has got opportunity to learn and train the most in our Shia history. All Maraje of today take pride in being his student. A person who learns even one year under him boasts of it.

If Ayt. Khoei r.a. says that there isn’t evidence against hurting, making oneself bleed then it means that. There remains no possibility for anyone to claim that there is any Holy Nas against hurting oneself.


This is a proof according to Ijma of all Shias and Sunnis. I don’t want to comment about Shias because I am sure that all Shias are lovers of RasoolAllah Sallallaho Alayhe Wa Aalehi and hence will never refuse to accept what he Sallallaho Alayhe Wa Aalehi did himself.

If any Sunni refuses to accept these Ahadees that RasoolAllah Sallallaho Alayhe Wa Aalehi did himself and also asked others to cut the front part of their heads and also to cut their backs then I will definitely give 110 references to prove that he does not remain anymore a Sunni. This is there in their Saheeh books and also on our Shia books with total Ijma.

عن ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما قال كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يحتجم في رأسه ويسميها أم مغيث – صحيح الجامع 4804 – وتسمية حجامة الرأس في هذا الموضع بهذا الاسم تفاؤلا بشفائه

وفي رواية ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما أنّ رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وسلم احتجم وهو محرم في رأسه من شقيقة ( صداع نصفي ) كانت به – صحيح البخاري ، ج 5 ص 2156 حد 5347

وفي رواية عبد الله بن بحينة قال : احتجم رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وسلم وهو محرم بلَحي جمل في وسط رأسه ، ” أي ما فوق اليافوخ فيما بين أعلى القرنين ” – صحيح البخاري – الجزء الخامس صفحة رقم 2156 حديث رقم 5373

عن أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال :
( المحجمة التي في وسط الرأس من الجنون والجذام والنعاس والأضراس ) . وكان يسميها (( المنقذة والمغيثة )) – المستدرك على الصحيحين الجزء الرابع صفحة رقم 234حديث رقم 7478

Ibn ‘Umar reported that the Messenger [peace be upon him and his pure family] used to cup his head and would call the place at the top of the head “Umm Mugheeth.” [al-Mu’jam al-Awsat, by al-Tabarani, vol. 8, p. 16).

This proof 17 needs for some perhaps a few video clips to understand.👇
Another important video 👇

This putting cuts on those specific parts where we do Zanjeer Zani, Qama Zani and making oneself bleed in these places is considered Sunnat by Ijma of both Shias and Sunnis.

This is act and advise of RasoolAllah Sallallaho Alayhe Wa Aalehi called as Wasiyato AnNabi by all Muslims without difference of opinion.

Can this act be Haraam OR terrorising OR uncultured in any way whatsoever – Never.


وان إبراهيم (عليه السلام) كان يوما راكباً جواده ماراًًً بصحراء كربلاء إذ كبا فرسه وانقلب على الأرض فأصيب رأسه بصخرة وجرى منه الدم فبدأ إبراهيم (عليه السلام) بالاستغفار وقال يا إبراهيم لم يصدر منك ذنب ولكنه موضع يقتل فيه سبط محمد المصطفى ونجل علي المرتضى (عليه السلام) ظلما وجورا فأراد الله أن تواسيه ويراق دمك فيه.

Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhessalam bleeding at Karbala.

Note that Prophets are Masoom. While H. Ibrahim a.s. is Ulul Azm Prophet. They don’t commit mistakes like falling down by mistake. Every action of theirs is Hujjat hence cannot be a mistake. In fact, they have a reflex of ‘goodness’. This means that even when their physical existence does not know about something good at a particular time then their reflex does the good work at first instance.
When Allah Ta’ala informed about Karbala and why they had to bleed there then they agreed on their bleeding and grieved on Imam Alayessalam.


وإن موسى بن عمران مر بصحراء كربلاء مع وصيه يوشع بن نون فلما دخلها انقطع شسع نعله وأدمت الأشواك قدمه فسأل الله عن سبب ذلك فأوحى الله إليه إن في هذه الأرض يراق دم عبدي الحسين فأردت أن يراق دمك فيها.

Hazrat Moosa Alayhessalam bleeding in Karbala.

Note: When such a huge multitude of Prophets Alayhemussalam were made to bleed and then explained why and also they agreed on the bleeding and grieved for Imam Alayhessalam then it is obviously not a co-incidence.
Also, see note in proof 18 above.

I can quote 8 to 10 proofs further from the Prophets but since the question was about the Masoomeen Alayhemussalam practice and hence I do not add those proofs here.

We complete our proofs here. Let everyone think on these himself. If his mind does not accept 1 or 2 proofs then not to get confused within it. Look at all proofs as a whole.
Also according to Ayt. Khoei d.z. there is absolutely no Nass according against making oneself bleed – Tatbir. Also according to Ayt. Sistani d.z. office of Aqaed which it states that no Mujtahid ever has any such Nass that blood letting is Haraam.

These 19 proofs are actually 19 topics under each topic on an average 10 references can be given. Hence, the total evidences comes to 19×10 = 190.
Each reference in Nass is an evidence.

We pray to Allah Ta’ala for the sake of Imam Hussain Alayhessalam to keep us steadfast in all kinds of Azadari including Tatbir.