Tatbir, A form of Ajre Risalat

قُلْ لَا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ أَجْرًا إِلَّا الْمَوَدَّةَ فِي الْقُرْبَى

Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives;
Sura Al-Shura, 42:23
Whoever is a Muslim, believes and takes benefits from RasoolAllah sallallaho alayhe wa aalehi wa sallam. These benefits include, but are not limited to, the entire Shariat.

The Holy Quran has kept a price/ cost for making use of such benefits. This Ajre Resalat is ‘Mawaddat’ (love) for AhleBait alayhemussalam. Hence, if a person does not pay Ajre Risalat of ‘Mawaddat’ then he loses the legitimacy to make use of any benefits gathered from RasoolAllah sallallaho alayhe wa aalehi wa sallam. Thus, all his actions even if apparently according to Shariat would be illegitimate if without ‘Mawaddat’.

The above is mentioned in the Holy Quran and hence none of the Muslims, Shia or AhleSunnat, are excused from this.

الشعائر الحسينية (Hussaini signs) that remind us of Imam Hussain Alayhessalam or reminds us of anything related to Imam Hussain Alayhessalam like Karbala are supposed to be respected:

ذَٰلِكَ وَمَنْ يُعَظِّمْ شَعَائِرَ اللَّهِ فَإِنَّهَا مِنْ تَقْوَى الْقُلُوبِ

That (shall be so); and whoever respects the signs of Allah, this surely is (the outcome) of the piety of hearts.

Sura Al-Haj, 22:32

And these Hussaini signs are to be established for the sake of Ajre Risalat as pointed above.

Hussaini Signs can be anything that reminds us of Imam Hussain alayhessalam. There are no limits to it except of course the Haraam actions in themselves – because obviously such actions do not lead to Imam Hussain alayhessalam.

These Hussaini signs can be anything or person or words or practice or date & time or…. The condition is that it should lead to remembrance of Imam Hussain alayhessalam in some way or the other. There are some commonly known Hussaini signs like Shabih e ZulJinah, Alam, Cradle of Janabe Ali Asghar alayhessalam, Taboot, days like Muharram, Juloos, Majlis, related crying, Matam, Tatbir (blood Matam), etc.

There can also be Hussaini Signs that are not commonly famous amongst us but are known to specific countries, groups, families, persons, etc. Like some special Tasbeeh that generally people not know to be related to Hussaini signs but a specific family or persons are aware of it.

The Hussaini signs are very important part of religion…. There is a website Aqaed.com that was earlier working under the office of Ayt. Khui, Rahmatullah alayhe, and now under the office of Ayt. Sistani, Allah protect him.
It is an open fact that most of the views of Ayt Sistani related to Fiqh can be cross verified at Sistani.org
But for issues related to Aqaed, this website directly does not reply rather gives a link from
to Aqaed.com

We will also be using this site Aqaed.com references in our discussions as it is a highly authentic resource online.

This website has also shown relevance of our above 2 quoted Ayaat and also goes on further to state that Ajre Risalat is the biggest ne’mat (bounty) on the servants of Allah Ta’ala after the ne’mat of Tauheed.

In next part, IA we will specifically discuss some of the Hussaini Signs in depth.

Pls read & spread the message for the sake of Ishq e Hussain alayhessalam in our hearts.

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